To the reader, of whom I have come to adore.
Thank you for being part of the community, thank you for taking the time to read this. Thank you for being so patient with me - as I have not posted in some time!
I appreciate you. Seriously.
Substack is my preferred platform because I can be much rawer and more honest with you, and I do not have to “game” an algorithm for exposure like on Twitter (which can be surprisingly mentally taxing, for both you and I).
I’d like to introduce a themed series on Dark Psychology:
I likely could have written it as one colossal post, but I am empathetic to the fact that you will need time to digest it.
The first post will focus on seduction, I have broken down the human condition, and I will write unashamedly of what it is that secretly causes your primordial juices to bubble in an erotic excitement. The second section will detail how to cultivate a sensual aura for yourself. It outlines the practical steps and breaks down exactly how and why each one of them works. You will see how it is that you, the reader, will be able to decide who will become utterly obsessed with you – should you choose to do it.
The second post will extend beyond seduction, it discusses magnetic charisma, thought implantation, hypnosis, and mind control. It discusses hidden (occult) knowledge and will detail how many of the most influential figures in history deliberately utilised dark psychology to shape your reality.
It breaks down the technique of those who use it on you today, and if I am allowed to, I will include their names.
Admittedly, I do not know if I will have the stomach to post it – I may decide to stop myself at seduction. As I studied different texts to write it, it was the first time I had experienced certain recurrent nightmares, and for the first time I understood exactly why certain knowledge is kept secret. I believed that I had seen and heard of everything that would shock or surprise me, but I was wrong. Almost embarrassingly so.
If you allowed me to be vulnerable with you, I would tell you of the mental turmoil that I have burdened myself with as I wrote this to you. I would tell you of the experiences that I endured to acquire this knowledge and I would describe the emotional bludgeoning that was required to reflect and conceptualise each experience. Then, I would tell you of my most recent state of mind as I gnawed into its recesses to study for the second post. I do not know that I will ever publish part two, at least not without detriment to myself. But for now, we will keep it vague.
As you can tell, this is a short series that is devoid of morals, and I have personally tried to remove my own personal afflictions from the series where I could help it.
I will of course write about the sweet joys and abundant vibrance of romance, and healthy love. I yearn to articulate the beautiful experiences that we all relate to, but sometimes can not put into words. But the post that I will be releasing in the very near future will not be that, and to truly appreciate what real love feels like you must at least briefly gaze into the abyss. You must see what it is that love is saving you from. In fact, after the initial torment, you will really come to recognise what love is.
I had to update you because I am so happy that you are here.
I write all of this, and ironically, I cannot find the words to express my appreciation for you.
See you soon.
Love, Peace, and Guidance
twitter banned?
"...magnetic charisma, thought implantation, hypnosis, and mind control. It discusses hidden (occult) knowledge and will detail how many of the most influential figures in history deliberately utilised dark psychology to shape your reality."
would you at least consider sharing the sources/books for these things if you don't end up pulling the trigger on the occult/dark psychology post?